Learning Cottages

 Check back soon to find more pictures of our Learning Cottage Community.

The learning cottages have been put together and are ready for furniture to be moved into them. However, the land around them looks like it needs a lot more work.
Back entrance/exit to one cottage.
Related Arts Learning Cottages and a set of restrooms on the East side of the school building.
The ramp/walkway from the Related Arts Cottages to the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade Cottages.
Learning cottages on the West side of the building. 8 Cottages and 2 Restrooms

Walkway to the Related Arts Learning Cottages. Art, Music, and Science will be located out here in the Fall of '11 and the library will move out after Phase One.

All of the classroom furniture and supplies were stored in the gym until the learning cottages were ready.